Squat Challenge update

So remember when I had amazing intentions and was on fire for the new year and having new goals???? Well, that died! Okay, well not all of it, but I didn’t do so hot on my fitness goals. Like I have already told you, Seymour (my tinny banana tummy) tried to kill me and it was then that I fell off the squat challenge wagon. Once I recovered I had a long break from school and then I have had midterms this week, so the idea of waking up even earlier than i do, so I could bend down 120 times didn’t sound appealing what so ever! My days are crazy enough as it is, I wake up at 6 am (sometimes 5:45 if i feel like looking extra shmexy that day) I get ready and leave by 7:10 am and sit in a hour worth of traffic, then I’m at school until 4:30 I then take a bus over to my fiance’s work and do homework in his car until 6:30pm and then we drive home where I cook dinner, shower and go to bed. I do this 5 days a week and on Saturdays I clean the house, do the laundry, and grocery shop. When is a girl supposed to get her squat on?!?!?

I was thinking about it the other day and decided that maybe I needed to come up with a getting ready routine. What I mean is, a way to work out while im doing my morning routine. I’m gonna keep pondering that one and just you wait, one day you will see it! =) until then I guess I can do a super hard workout on Saturdays? Any other suggestions?

New Year, New You!/ Squat Challenge

Yesterday I talked about how my 2013 motto was God First, Me second, Love and life third, Today I was decided on 2014’s Motto: New Year, New You! Last year I learned that I am important and it’s about time I start acting like it and loving myself. Now that I have made life choices for myself its time to start fine tuning the rest of me. It’s time to focus on my weight loss goals even harder, tone up the body, become more diligent with my faith, extend more compassion and love to my friends and family and master my time like it’s nobody’s business! My new years resolution is to reach my goal weight of 175 and to read/listen to the Bible in a year. Although I would love to say I can take on all of that at once I know for a fact that I can’t so I broke it down like I do all my goals.  Step one break my weight loss down into months… Okay who am I kidding I have only gotten to the month I’m currently in but that’s progress for me! So I decided that in the month of January I am doing a Squat challenge (Calm down! Its a squat challenge for fatties like me!) I was looking at all the other squat challenge posters on pintrest and they all freaked me out, 55 squats is where we are starting?!?!?! Who the heck does this!!! That’s when I decided it was time for me to come up with my own squat challenge so that’s exactly what I did.

ImageI figured 25 wouldn’t be too bad and 15 seconds to hold in place was doable, so we started there! I already did my first day this morning and I’m actually worried that maybe it wasn’t difficult enough, but were gonna find out when I wake up in the morning tomorrow. Okay Okay Okay so let’s talk about the elephant in the room, 165 squats at the end!!!! Yea I realize that is a lot, and it scares me too but my thought process is that It won’t seem as bad as I go along. If you want to join me in this challenge I would love for you to let me know so we can be cheering partners! So here’s the deal, I do a 10 minute warm up before I start my squats which normally consists of deep breaths and stretch, head rolls, arm circles, and some lunges. I’m going to print off the calendar and cross out each day that I do for accountability. If I accidentally miss a day I don’t freak out I just continue on to the next day but I add reps to the end of the month, for example lets say I miss the 13th, then I wouldn’t cross it off and I would do the amount written in for the 14th and then do 170 squats on the 1st of February. I promise to take some before and after pictures to see if it made any difference but I’m excited to get moving again.

My other resolution was to read the whole bible in a year. I found an app that tracks and tells you what you should be reading for that day and if you are on schedule or not. It also gives you options to read it chronologically, sequential, thematic (Different topics, Ex: day 1: Law Day 2:History day 3: gospel… etc.) or by date of completion. The app is called bible reading schedule on android, but I’m sure if you just search “bible in a year” you can find one very similar. I decided on reading the Bible chronologically, and I’m giving myself a break and allowing myself to use the bible on CD to count as some of my readings. For Christmas one of my favorite things I got was The NIV Live: The Bible Experience which is a CD series of the whole Bible with added music and sound effects that apply to what the current passage is about. It’s also told to you by famous celebrities and is told almost like a story, I love it and recommend it to everyone!

Some other things I wanted to improve on in the year of 2014 was working on my relationships with friends and family, and being more on top of my time management. I also got my own personal stationary set for Christmas that is adorable and comes with matching washi tape!!! I used to make cards as a hobby and have way too much card/scrapbooking stuff for a normal person, but like most hobbies, life gets in the way and you realize being an adult is more important. Also there was a period where I had a bunch of cards I had made but never really did anything with them because that would require me having to step foot in a post office which is gawd awful for me! (Seriously don’t make me go into a post office EVER!) I still need to go into the post office (tomorrow actually… Wish me luck) to get some stamps but trust me I plan on getting like 8 sheets so that I don’t have to step foot in there again! The point of all this is that I will get much better about writing people for holidays, and just to say hi. There is nothing like getting a hand written card in the mail (let me know if you need a pick me up and i’ll send you a card too)! Regarding time management I’m in the process of fine tunning my plan. I am extremely anal about how my day planner/agenda/Franklin/calendar is laid out. I’m pretty sure I have tried as many different planners as I have diet’s and they have all failed! Therefore I came to the decision that I needed to make my own. The past week I have been working on some proto-types and have been trying them out so I can get it just perfect, but as soon as I do, you guys will be the first to know. I’m thinking maybe I can make it printable so you guys can use it too if it works well for you.

I really am excited about the year to come! So what are your resolutions?!?!

P.S. Don’t forget to let me know about the squat challenge! I want to cheer you on!